Abu Studio Inc
More by Abu Studio Inc

Vaudevillian Comedy & CowBells5.0
Sound effects in your pocket. Designed for Vaudeville performers but easy for anyone that need more funny sounds in life.
Simple Design plus powerful and compatible audio engine.
Built with AudioKit compatible with Audiobus and Ableton Link
Need more cowbell? There is an app for that. That was Install

So Hum Drum Loops5.0
Instant Meditation with the tap of a button. A great way to explore relaxing vibrations with this holistic music. These drums lay the foundation for creating harmonic healing trance induced rhythms. A very effective meditation along with natural drums.
The So Hum meditation is a simple, fast and Install

Metal Drum Loops 25.0
Are you looking for the ultimate Metal practice app?
Look no further here is Metal Drum Loops
If you are a beginner, this is great to boost your shredding skills
If you are an advanced musician this is a great songwriting tool.
+ Simply tap a button and blast essential metal drum loops by a Install

There is no replacement for live drummers in Punk performances.
This app is a tool for songwriting and practice.
High-Def Natural Punk Drum Loops.
Tap and Play
Full KIT Loops- bass, snare, tom, hi-hats cymbals all in one
Slamming beats and furious fills with brutal breakdowns.
Single tap switch -Install

PowWow Loops4.7
Anyone can instantly become a musician. Single tap beat machine, looping real natural PowWow drum samples. This app is great for an extraordinary collaboration of rhythm and power. The steady natural drums loops provide the sound to drum, dance, soar, circle and sing joyfully. The sounds ensures yoInstall

Reggae Roots Drum Loops4.0
Beat Machine focused on intuition and efficiency. Featuring HD Reggae drum loops with fills, accents, and single hits. All musicians can play along, regardless of digital proficiency
The heart of Reggae is the drums and this is the easiest beat machine ever designed. A single touch polyphonic percuInstall

Druid Drum Loops3.8
Drums are the heartbeat of Irish folk music. This app delivers ancient Irish bodhrán drum loops in a single page easy to play format.
Tap a beat this app contains samples you can't find anywhere else.
Universal Design and Simple instruction for easy to play app.
1)Press any large button to play Install

Jazz Drum Loops2.3
Jazz Beat Machine focused on intuition and efficiency. Featuring HD jazz drum loops . All types of musicians can play along along, regardless of digital proficiency
Boutiqe beats
The heart of jazz is the drums and this is the most efficient and intuitive boutique beat machine ever designed. It’s sInstall

Blues Drum board-
This beat machine loops live royalty free drum samples. <br>Three Easy Steps<br><br>1) Press the button of the drum sample you want to play. <br>2)Set the volume using the slider on the bottom<br>3)Set the tempo using the slider on the bottom right <br><br>Perfectly timed drum samples you can use iInstall

Conga Drum Loops-
Spice up your music. One click drum machine, looping a collection of conga beats. <br>From beginner to advance this is a sure thing to help musicians with warming up.<br><br>•Plug and Play. <br>•Easy to Use. <br>•Perfect for Practice or Performance. <br><br>Conga loops the best drum loops on the iInstall

Indie Drum Loops-
.Designed to be efficient and effective. It’s flat-out driving straight-ahead, hard-hitting drum. Created by an indie developer for all musicians. Slamming beats and furious fills with brutal breakdowns with a single tap switch from intro, verse, chorus, breakdown, fills and outro sections. Big buInstall

Christmas Carols and Bells-
I'm psyched outta my mind about this app. I want to hear everyone singing like the Whos after the Grinch stole everyone's presents this holiday season. Remember... Singing is easy. It's like talking, except louder and longer and you move your voice up and down.
Babies to Grandparents anyone can pInstall

Dub Step Bass Loops-
One click drum machine/soundboard that loops a collection of deep dub step bass loops. For literally less then a buck, you can be the proud owner of your own wobble bass machine. Although not technically a drum this bass has body shaking percussionist element to it. Utilizing our instant touch multInstall

Cow Bell Beats-
Need more COW BELL? This app is the cure. Designed for musicians but easy to use for anyone that need more cow bell in their life<br>This is the easiest and most fun experience in drum machine ever designed. Instant real loops and scratches with tempo and gain control. Not just one cheesy sound Install

Salvation Army Christmas Bells-
Attention all Bell Ringers. The Salvation Army Bell app is an innovative way to raise awareness for thousands of people in need. Tis the season to be jolly! We love the holidays here at freedrumapps.com and are celebrating with the Salvation Army Christmas Loops. Each bell has been recorded Whole NInstall

Reggaeton Drum Machine-
One click drum machine/soundboard that loops a collection of rudimentary reggaeton drum beats. An absolute must for any musician that wants to warm up with a collection of spicy Latino drum beats,<br>Desmonds Drums are drum-machine style loops for you to use while warming up or jamming. The loopsInstall

Death Metal Drum Loops-
Heavy hitting Death Metal Drum Loops professionally recorded by Don Tardy drummer from Obituary. Download and Play this Beat Machine instantly. Cymbals, Snare and Bass all packed in each loop. <br><br>No drum machine will ever replace a live drummer but practicing with these beats will make you a bInstall

Marching Band Drum Loops-
Band in your hand. One click drum machine in style is typical of a military or marching band drum corps. Features standard 4/4 rhythms typical of an American marching band. This app contains real acoustic drum sounds. This app is extremely simple to use for anyone, and with just one click, you can hInstall
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